
About the product
Are you getting married, and are you Eco-conscience? If you are. Read this before you start planning a wedding."Wedsite" is much much more than just a online wedding invitation. It interacts with your guests in ways traditional invitations could never do. In the following ways; Guest can find and book the best deals on airline tickets and accommodation close to your venue, Mobile app version of your wedsite, and lets guest take pics on their phone and upload them directly to your wedsite. It sends out a weather forecast for 7 days prior to the wedding, Sends out and tracks your RSVP, giving you an accurate and up to date list. I can also be very personal telling your love story from the day you met your fiance for the first time until the engagement

From a Eco point of view, it takes about 1,5 trees to produce all the typical paper requirements for a wedding. Doesn't sound like much right? Wrong... times that by how many million people get married world wide. Those 1,5 trees provide enough oxygen for a family of three over a year.
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