Human Resources Consulting

Human Resources Consulting
About the product
Transforming from a tactical HR organization to a strategic one is not always easy, and can often be painful. In the past, HR may have been rewarded for a “hero mentality” — for doing what it takes to get the tactical, transactional work done in hard times. The skills, competencies, and behaviors required in that traditional HR world are different than those required in a “future state, strategic” world.

In some cases, companies need to look at existing resources and do a fit/gap analysis. This may result in new training, re-skilling, or even turnover within an organization. Setting expectations for the behaviors that are required, and valued, in the new strategic world is critical for success.

The HR function plays a pivotal role in ensuring the drivers of long term business success are in place. Today, with declining loyalty and greater job hopping, it is critical that CEOs and the Executive team partner with HR.

I can support my clients by assessing the current role and value add from HR, in order to develop a more transformational HR function with people practices , processes and policies that will contribute to the company success.
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