Heart Health

Heart Health
About the product
Heart Health ™ is so effective, you can actually see it working. The safest, gentlest, most effective and least costly route known for cardiovascular health. Reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke as this product will scrub every one of the 75,000 miles of arteries, veins, capillaries and microscopic arterioles in the body

Supports the following conditions: Eliminates heavy metal toxicity, lowers high blood pressure, reduces blood cholesterol, dissolves intra-arterial blood clots cardiac arrhythmias, improves vision and cataracts, arthritis, lowers diabetics’ insulin needs and gangrene, reduces Alzheimer-like symptoms, autism and senility, varicose veins, detoxifies snake and spider venoms, removes calcium from atherosclerosic plaques, blood thinning
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