Wellmed Home Enema Kit

Wellmed Home Enema Kit
About the product
A Home Enema so hygienic, refreshing and easy that you’ll wonder why you EVER let your embarrassment get in the way…Enemas at home?
Having realized the enormous benefits of enemas and colon cleaning for health and youthfulness, the next obvious question is – Can I do an enema at home? Until some time ago, home enema kits were either very expensive or the cheap kits were of very poor quality making enemas difficult & messy.The Wellmed Home enema kit changed all that!

The Wellmed home enema kit is surprisingly affordable & specifically designed with extra care to make the enema a delightful experience.

Most importantly, the kit is latex-free as recommended to guard against growing incidences of allergies, the kit is accompanied by a detailed instructions, the first ever of its kind. It makes the whole process unbelievably EASY!
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