
About the product
True Acupuncture techniques used by reflexologists are not the same as the medically approved “Dry Needling”. The technique requires the insertion of fine stainless steel needles through the skin to the underlying deep structures such as muscles, fascia, ligament, etc.

These points are determined by the physiotherapist after thorough assessment of the underlying tissue. Acupuncture or Dry Needling are very effective in stimulating the body to heal itself and to relieve acute or chronic pain.

Dry needling is a very safe modality if done by a trained physiotherapist

In medical acupuncture, your practitioner will make a diagnosis using the same techniques as those of conventional medicine. Needles are inserted at certain points identified by the practitioner during his screening and assessment of your body. Acupuncture needles stimulate nerve endings and alter the way your brain functions, it also activates an immune response localized to the insertion point which accelerates the healing of the tissue.

Needles inserted at different position/ points
Diagnosis based on clinical examination and test
Aim to restore normal movement (biomechanical structure)
Uses it WITH OTHER types of treatment
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