Economic Empowerment and Livelihood program

Economic Empowerment and Livelihood program
About the product
I Am A Dreamer Foundation will train the OVCs’ caretakers in small–scale business management, entrepreneurship and savings to ensure that income-generating activities (IGAs) are viable and the proceedings are directed to supporting the OVCs. The organization will also provide group development and operation skills for those carrying out their IGA as a group. To enhance the sustainability of the IGAs, I Am A Dreamer Foundation will promote a saving culture and economic use of limited resources among OVCs and their caretakers. Most OVC caretakers face the challenge of a sustainable income due to their dependence on subsistence farming where outputs are very low. They are not initially involved in IGAs because of their lack of startup capital. Consequently, most parents die without leaving anything for OVCs to survive on.
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