Purification/Detoxification Program

Purification/Detoxification Program
About the product
The Purification Rundown is a detoxification program which enables an individual to rid himself of the harmful effects of drugs, toxins and other chemicals that lodge in the body and create a biochemical barrier to spiritual well-being.

We live in a chemical-oriented society. Virtually everyone is regularly subjected to an intake of food preservatives, pesticides, atmospheric poisons and the like. Add to this the panoply of medical and street drugs generally consumed and the gravity of the problem becomes obvious.

These drugs and toxins can put an individual into a condition which not only prohibits and destroys physical health, but which can prevent any stable advancement in mental or spiritual well-being.

In answer, Mr. Hubbard developed the Purification Rundown to meet a growing threat to spiritual advancement and well-being stemming from the more and more common use of drugs and biochemical substances in the current culture.

The Purification Rundown is a tightly supervised regimen of exercise, sauna and nutrition. It is conducted in a properly ordered schedule to include sufficient rest. In combination, it results in the elimination of drug residues and other toxins from the body’s fatty tissues.

The Purification Rundown and its underlying discoveries have enabled hundreds of thousands to free themselves from the harmful effects of drugs and toxins and so achieve spiritual gains.

On this rundown, you can step out of the fog and into a world that is fresh and new. Persons completing it have reported a remarkable surge in life and vitality. You can experience life-giving results and clear the way for spiritual gain.
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