Trauma Counselling

Trauma Counselling
About the product
Trauma needs to be distinguished from other painful experiences because not all bad experiences are painful. TRAUMA ON THE OTHER HAND IS ALWAYS PAINFUL. Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing and disturbing experience, a very difficult or unpleasant experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems usually for a long time. Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event. Trauma disrupts a person’s stability. Trauma is experienced as something that someone does not have the ability to control. Trauma is usually deeply disturbing, it makes a deep impact, it shatters one’s sense of trust and it can leave a person feeling immobilized. Trauma causes anxiety, worries about safety, paranoia, depression, anger, hypervigilance, distrust and sometimes Post Traumatic Stress will occur. Trauma changes the way we do life! Trauma Counselling helps to put things into perspective, to recognise your stress reaction and to recognise and come to terms with your losses.
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