Reviews of Zuurbekom Clinic - Westonaria

Here you will find reviews about Zuurbekom Clinic. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
3 Reviews
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Extremely bad service and rude service by the receptionist
Extremely bad service from the Zuurberkom clinic, I was taking my twins for immunization I came at 7:30 but was still not assisted until 11:30 when I ask the receptionist lady she was very rude I ask for nurse in charge numbers she did not give it to me. I am very disappointed at the service as we were left outside in the cold with small babies and pregnant woman and old age people without any update of what is happening.
My sister came to visit me at Protea Glen and the child was already sick but she had medication that she got from Tshiawelo clinic but the child was not getting better then I suggested that she goes to Zuurbekom clinic since it was nearby she was treated terrible and was asked why she didn't go back to Tshiawelo clinic but she explained that she was visiting me. On the queue she was number 3 but they attended to all their patients before they attended to her. I just wonder if the child got worse while she was there what could have happened.
The service is soo good. U get attended very quickly and the stuff is friendly. I would love to work there one day