Reviews of Jabbs Driving School - Randburg

Here you will find reviews about Jabbs Driving School. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
1 Review
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Honestly speaking, Jabbs, the driving instructor is good with what he does, but the guy is never on time for lessons, you have to hassle him to come and "remind" him every single day to come for lessons. He always has some sort of excuse as to why he couldn't make it to a lesson. I was unfotunate to have paid him the full amoun at outset for the lessons and was therefore screwed over. I'm standing to lose R3000 because I decided to cancel my lessons and he blatantly told me that he will never refund my money back. Doing lessons with him was so stressful because it was inconvenient for me as I had meetings every now and then and I relied heavily on the fact that he would be a reliale person.

He was refered to me by a friend, according to her, he was always on time and never gave her hassles. I made a mistake by giving the guy the full amount of the package and it's a lesson learnt.

I just need to somehow find a way to get my hard-earned money back, but I don't know how.
If you looking for a good driving school, do not bother with this one.