Reviews of Mr Frangos - Ladysmith

Here you will find reviews about Mr Frangos. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
1 Review
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Best chicken ever! My daughter who served her 1 year internship at Dundee Hospital about 6 years ago (and since returned to Durban) was crazy over Mr Frangos Chicken - so much so, that whenever she heard that someone was visiting Ladysmith, she would appeal to them to buy some for her. My family was invited to a wedding in Ladysmith last weekend - we were surprised that my daughter took time off from her busy schedule, to go with us. After obviously indulging in Mr Frangos chicken all weekend, on our way back home, she admitted to attending the weekend just so that she could 'eat the chicken straight out of the pan, instead of a few hours later'.