Question for Glad & Rich Trading cc t/a R&G Logistics

Question for Glad & Rich Trading cc t/a R&G Logistics

Hi i am Thembile Biko and i would like to know how did you start the company and how did you get the customers that you offer transport to?
Morning, hope this will answe your question. Passion, Ambition, Patience.

Its always not easy to go outside and start digging the ground with a spade, telling people you building a home without ay resources. But you can start by using mud and water and grass and later convert to cement bricks and tile roofing. What i am trying to say is, you have to start or you will never have it. I started with one 8t truck, men were telling me, just sell us this truck you will never make it we are also batting with this business. I never quit instead their words motivated me as i will wake up everyday trying to prove a point to them. Yes i am not where i want to be, but the point that i am still around and being known it means something.

I was fulltime employed by then, sometimes 2months without loading the truck, but i never gave up. I emailed all companies i could google the address on inteenet introducing R&G Logistics, many did respond 1 or 2 responded asking for a rate and they will offer low rate i will load, my intention was not about being robbed but being known. Later after few loads i refused low rates and they knew my good service they couldnt resist.

Good news is i am now running R&G Logistics fulltime and nolonger operating from home.

Thats how we started.

Hope i answered your questions.


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