Review of Sweets Form Heaven

I had the most horrible experience at Midlands Liberty Mall Sweets From Heaven yesterday the 24th February 2013. I was the third person in the queue, when i got to the till i said to the lady 1 popcorn please. She totally ignored me, she just looked at me. I didn't worry too much about her lack of response until a black lady with a little girl walked in and asked the cashier in isiZulu to give her a popcorn. Thinking that she is serving me I stood their waiting for her to ask me what flavor i wanted. She then passed the popcorn over to the lady, i got very upset about this kind of ignorant behavior. I questioned the cashier about why she totally ignored me and served the black lady who had just walked inn. I asked her if she is racist. She stood their with a cynical smile on her face, as to say no matter my anger with her she will do as she pleased. She didn't even apologies for behavior. What is service delivery coming to in this country? As an Indian South African i do have rights to good service.

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