Review Poor service and poor finance admin

Poor service and poor finance admin
Had new battery installed by ADT Hermanus in Aug23. Got the invoice from technician and paid same day via EFT.
Then received SMS informing me i owed them money. Called them and questioned what i owe them for. They promised to send me copy of invoice as i refuse to pay unless i can see what work was done.
Waited - nothing. Next SMS called them again. Then got invoice and it was the one I paid already and I then sent them proof of payment.
Only for them to now tell me - NO the amount for that original invoice has now changed.I need to pay more!
Another few weeks and mails back and forth to Hermanus ADT just ends same (silence and if you get a response it is - that there is a balance outstanding - i need to pay more! Emails to customer care coastal means nothing - no response - ZERO. I told Hermanus they CANNOT deduct the additional amount off my debit order as it is NOT what the original invoice amount was.
I then told them i give notice as I will go to SAFE and gave them 1.5 months notice!
Guess what - as I terminated my contract they just added the additional amount to my last debit order!
Clearly they have ZERO respect for customers. They change amounts and hold customers liable and just deduct! You have ZERO control.

You will never see me again Liesl and Steve.

Absolutely a disgrace! And i have not even shared how they botched the previous installation!

Stay clear of Fedility ADT is all i can say and will share that with everyone who will listen.


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