Questions & Answers for PINETOWN TRAFFIC DEPT

Here you will find questions & answers for PINETOWN TRAFFIC DEPT. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellosa users.
Is the pinetown traffic open during level 3
What documents are required when selling a motor vehicle and can I download from internet?
What are your business hours
What is needed from me to renew my driver's licence
What documents are required to obtain a copy of a lost vehicle registration certificate/Logbook. What is the cost
What do i need to change over my drivers license from my Maiden surname to my married surname

Please can I have an email address in order to send a letter stating my case with regards to receiving a speeding fine.

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Hi I want to write learner's what are your next available dates? Do you open on Saturdays?
My friend who has relocated to Johannesburg, her licence has expired and she has to renew. Does she have to come back to Pinetown for renewal or can she do it in Johannesburg? What documents does she need to produce when renewing and for how much?
I want what I must do I had a booking and I got test date on 05/11 , that day I will be writing my final exam first section only can I change my time or date and what must I do ?
Hi I would like to know what must I do when I have lost my drivers license ? Please answer as soon as possible as I need to know what to do ?
Which sartuday will be open in june2015?and what do I need to be able to change ownership of the vehicle from the previous owner? and lastly,how much does it cost? Thanks!
My son (16) wants to do his motor bike learners - can he do it on a Saturday, and if not, what days/time can he write this exam?
Also what docs does he need to bring with?
Please advise the cost for drivers license card renewal and temporary drivers card?
How much does the PDP for code 14 cost?

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